Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation

Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation
S-848/A-2140 (Pou, Gopal, Tully/Vainieri Huttle, Freiman) - Revises requirements for health care service firms to report financial information to Division of Consumer Affairs.
S-2465/A-4143 (Sweeney/Conaway, Giblin, Jimenez) - "New Jersey Health Care Transparency Act."
A-543/S-2582 (Jimenez, Giblin, Vainieri Huttle/Gopal, Pou) - Revises psychologist training requirements.
A-4282/S-2566 (Pinkin, Karabinchak, Benson, Vainieri Huttle, DeCroce/Diegnan, Gopal, Vitale) - Requires long term care facilities and hospitals to maintain minimum supply of personal protective equipment.
A-4442/S-2755 (Downey, Benson, Houghtaling/Gopal, Bucco) - Authorizes individuals who have passed road test to use driving permit to operate motor vehicle for 60 days during COVID-19 public health emergency.
Governor Murphy conditionally vetoed the following bills:
S-2354/A-3920 (Greenstein, Oroho/Bramnick, Freiman, Speight) - Prohibits cancellation or nonrenewal of certain insurance policies and insurance premium finance agreements for a period of at least 60 days under certain circumstances after declaration of public health emergency, or state of emergency, or both.
S-2708/A-4446 (Sweeney, Codey/Benson, Vainieri Huttle, Verrelli) - Requires certain provisions in State contracts for delivery of publicly financed mental health, behavioral health, and addiction services.
Governor Murphy absolute vetoed the following bill:
S-1957/A-3756 (Greenstein, Oroho/DePhillips, Zwicker, Speight) - Supports activities of New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc.