Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation

Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation
TRENTON – Today, Governor Murphy signed the following bills into law:
S-3046 wGR/A-4875 (Ruiz, Pou/Pintor Marin, Wimberly, Sumter) – Extends certain document submission deadlines for Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit program and Economic Redevelopment and Growth Grant Program
S-3225/A-5081 (Sweeney, Oroho/Freiman, Reynolds-Jackson, Taliaferro) – Appropriates $11.5 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to State Agriculture Development Committee for municipal planning incentive grants for farmland preservation purposes
S-3226/A-5077 (Addiego, Bateman/Armato, Jasey, Houghtaling) – Appropriates $29,886,172 to State Agriculture Development Committee for farmland preservation purposes
S-3228/A-5079 (Gopal/Taliaferro, Murphy, Houghtaling) – Appropriates $12 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to State Agriculture Development Committee for county planning incentive grants for farmland preservation purposes
ACS for A-4907/SCS for S-3089 (Wimberly, Reynolds-Jackson, Tucker, Giblin/Cryan, Turner, Sweeney) – Makes supplemental appropriation of $58,000,000 for NJ Statewide Body Worn Camera Program
A-4975/S-3187 (Chiaravalloti, Caputo/Pou, Turner) – Provides for postponement of New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum review for certain school districts
A-5080/S-3227 (Zwicker, Verrelli, Downey/Bateman, Codey) – Appropriates $3,763,625 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to State Agriculture Development Committee for grants to certain nonprofit organizations for farmland preservation purposes
A-5119/S-3218 (McKeon, Downey, Clifton, Wimberly/Pou, Sarlo, Sweeney) – Provides for reorganization of health service corporation