Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation
AJR-125/SJR-85 (Quijano, Jimenez/Pou, Cruz-Perez) - Designates June 20th annually as “World Refugee Day” in New Jersey.
ACS for A-538/S-2257 (Mazzeo, Murphy, Mukherji/Beach) - Permits county governing body, with approval of county board of taxation, to revise real property assessment calendar.
A-1033/S-1760 (Johnson, Vainieri Huttle/Weinberg) - Makes Palisades Interstate Park Commission eligible for certain open space and historic preservation funding.
A-1627/S-1873 (Schepisi, A.M. Bucco, Auth, Danielsen, DiMaio/Sarlo, T. Kean) - Provides that PERS or PFRS member who continues to be volunteer firefighter or emergency services worker after retirement with employer from whom member retires has bona fide severance for compliance with State and federal law.
A-2041/S-1840 (Coughlin, Holley, Pintor Marin/Vitale, Gopal) - Establishes “Economic Redevelopment and Growth Grant Bond Financing Act,” authorizing issuance of bonds secured by pledge of Economic Redevelopment and Growth Grant proceeds, municipal liens, and special assessment; expands “Redevelopment Area Bond Financing Law;” extends time to complete certain projects under “Long Term Tax Exemption Law".
ACS for A-2747, 880/S-1532 (Houghtaling, Downey, Munoz, Danielsen/Bateman) - Limits time continuing care retirement communities may retain refundable entrance fee after resident vacates facility; provides for disposition of certain personal property.
A-3704/S-2550 (DeAngelo, Space, Quijano/Cryan, Sweeney) - Clarifies training requirements of certain HVACR contractors.
A-3765/S-2456 (Houghtaling, Downey, Jones, Wimberly/Gopal, Oroho) - Permits school district superintendent to designate school employee with certain expertise as school safety specialist.
A-3888/S-2498 (Houghtaling, Downey, Egan/Gopal, Scutari) - Allows issuance of additional alcoholic beverage licenses within boundaries of formerly federally owned or operated military installations.
A-4065/S-2724 (Lopez, Mukherji/Vitale) - Authorizes State Treasurer to sell surplus real property located in Township of Woodbridge, Middlesex County.
A-4194/S-2738 (Coughlin/Weinberg, Beach) - Requires NJ Historical Commission to establish program for commemorations and observance of 250th anniversary of United States; permits commission to enter into public-private partnership agreement in preparation of anniversary; appropriates $500,000.
S-767/A-3829 (Cunningham, Sweeney, T. Kean/Jasey) - Directs Secretary of Higher Education to establish communication campaign to encourage students to enroll in 30 credits per year and institutions to report to secretary on strategies and incentives to accomplish this goal.
S-1265/A-3634 (Turner, Cruz-Perez, Singer/Jasey, Pinkin) - Provides that no more than 120 credits will be required for baccalaureate degree awarded by a public institution and no more than 60 credits for associate degree.