Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation
Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation
A-1070/S-2892 (Jasey, Benson/Pou, T. Kean) – Requires Secretary of Higher Education to develop guidance for institutions of higher education to identify cultural barriers in recruitment and retention of underrepresented students for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs
A-4461/S-2698 (Lampitt, Jasey, Quijano/Ruiz, Turner) – Requires State to enter into contract and coordinate with certain cooperative purchasing systems for procurement of COVID-19 related goods and services by school districts
A-4788/S-3044 (Pintor Marin/Ruiz) – Requires transfer of certain escheated civil forfeiture funds from Unclaimed Personal Property Trust Fund to General Fund for appropriation to county prosecutors’ offices
Governor Murphy conditionally vetoed the following bills:
ACS for A-4803 and 4811/SCS for S-2991 and 3117 (Sumter, Karabinchak, DeCroce, Spearman, Zwicker/Greenstein, Oroho, Addiego, Pou) – CONDITIONAL – Concerns approval process for personal protective equipment and State stockpiles of personal protective equipment
A-1229/S-2161 (Schaer, Mosquera, Tucker, Lampitt, Vainieri Huttle, Quijano, Wimberly, Pintor Marin, Jasey/Turner, Singleton) – CONDITIONAL – Requires DCA to make information on homeless prevention programs and services available on its Internet website
Governor Murphy absolute vetoed the following bill:
A-4810/S-441 (Vainieri Huttle, Murphy/Oroho, Sarlo) – ABSOLUTE – Establishes Government Efficiency and Regulatory Review Commission