Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation

A542 (Mazzeo, Lagana, Andrzejczak, Zwicker, Land, Benson, Downey/Ruiz) - Requires certain schools to maintain supply of opioid antidotes and permits emergency administration of opioid antidote by school nurse or trained employee.
A1675 (Dancer, Conaway, Caride, Space/Beach, Smith) - Authorizes prescribed burning in certain circumstances.
A2035 (McKeon, Schaer/Pou, Cruz-Perez) - Revises "New Jersey Residential Mortgage Lending Act."
A2401 (Wimberly, Mukherji, Reynolds-Jackson/Cunningham, Gill, Turner) - Authorizes issuance of Delta Sigma Theta license plates.
A3463 (Murphy, Downey, Houghtaling/Gopal, Cruz-Perez) - Requires district boards of election to report every two hours number of voters who have voted at each precinct; authorizes challengers to request reported count.
A3628 (Greenwald, Moriarty, Murphy/Weinberg, Diegnan) - Establishes New Jersey Civic Information Consortium.
A3871 (Chiaravalloti, Egan/Diegnan, Cruz-Perez) - Concerns disqualification from unemployment benefits for misconduct.
A3904 (McKeon, Jasey, Schepisi/Cardinale, Stack) - "Tommy's Law"; requires NJT to take certain action and adopt policies concerning person injured or killed in incidents involving NJT motorbuses and rail or light rail vehicles.
A4120 (Pintor Marin, Tucker, DeAngelo/Rice, Ruiz) - Authorizes special assessments and bond issuance to replace lead-contaminated water service lines.
A4208 (Jasey, Lopez, Sumter/Rice) - Establishes "New Jersey Complete Count Commission."
A4249 (Wimberly, Pintor Marin/Ruiz, Vitale) - Expands per adjusted admission charge on hospitals to create supplemental funding pool for State's graduate medical education subsidy; appropriates $24,285,714.
A4259 (Pintor Marin, Calabrese/Sarlo, Ruiz) - Restructures tickets sales law.
AJR137 (Pinkin/Greenstein) - Designates month of July of each year as "Smart Irrigation Month."
S2145 (Scutari, Sweeney/DeAngelo, Downey, Mukherji) - Concerns attorney fees for workers' compensation awards.
SJR14 (Pou, Ruiz/Chaparro, Lopez, Jimenez) - Designates September 20th of each year as Hispanic Journalist Pride Day.