Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation

Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation
A-740/S-2846 (Johnson, Conaway, DeCroce/Gopal, Singleton) – Requires State agencies in awarding contracts for purchase of items that require power source to consider items powered by fuel cells
A-3384/S-3171 (McKeon/Pou) – Makes various revisions to "Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act"; renames act to "Uniform Voidable Transactions Act"
A-4240/S-2855 (Downey, Vainieri Huttle, Houghtaling, Coughlin/Pou, Turner) – Provides for technological upgrade of application process for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
A-4246/S-3175 (Verrelli, Benson, Vainieri Huttle/Pou, Corrado) – Permits expedited licensure in mental health professions for certain individuals during state of emergency or public health emergency
A-4477/S-2789 (Chiaravalloti, Conaway, Downey/Vitale, Weinberg) – Revises licensure, operational, and reporting requirements for nursing homes
ACS for A-4556 and 4145/S-2611 (Karabinchak, Zwicker, Quijano/Smith, Bateman) – Requires BPU to establish and maintain electronic public document search system on its website; requires BPU to provide certain notice of its meetings and hold quarterly public comment meetings
A-4671/S-3326 (Schaer, Swain, Tully/Ruiz, Singleton) – Requires public and local utilities to provide notice to residential customers of available relief measures during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic
ACS for A-4805/SCS for S-3169 (Freiman, Tully, Danielsen/Pou, Gopal) – Requires certain insurers to provide summary concerning business interruption insurance
A-4806/S-3188 (Dancer, Chiaravalloti/Pou, Singleton) – Permits municipalities to authorize programs encouraging local shopping through property tax rewards; validates certain related municipal actions
A-4932/S-3066 (Johnson, Murphy, Downey/Pou) – Permits use of alternate names by limited liability partnerships
A-5222/S-3306 (Mukherji, Verrelli, Lopez/Diegnan, Turner) – Authorizes optometrists to administer immunizations against coronaviruses and influenza under certain circumstances
Governor Murphy conditionally vetoed the following bills:
A-850/S-2864 (Chiaravalloti, Karabinchak, Reynolds-Jackson/Oroho, Singleton) – CONDITIONAL – Establishes "Broadband Access Study Commission"
A-2116/S-2009 (Tully, Swain, Armato/Lagana) – CONDITIONAL – Requires State Treasurer to submit report to Legislature every six months identifying deadlines for applications for federal funds by State agencies