Governor Murphy’s State Health Benefits Task Force to Host Three Public Listening Sessions

Governor Murphy’s State Health Benefits Task Force to Host Three Public Listening Sessions
First session is September 20 in Hamilton
TRENTON – Governor Murphy’s State Health Benefits Quality and Value Task Force will host three listening sessions across the state in the coming months to solicit valuable public input in the ongoing effort to improve the quality and value of the state health benefits programs for beneficiaries, while addressing health care costs for the State of New Jersey, local governments and taxpayers.
“The task force is committed to developing options that ensure high quality coverage and good value in these important health benefit programs,” said Carole Johnson, Commissioner of the Department of Human Services and Chair of the State Health Benefits Quality and Value Task Force. “Public input is a critical part of the process, and we’re hosting listening sessions across the state to make sure everyone has the opportunity to have their voices heard.”
The listening sessions will take place at the following dates and locations:
  • Sept. 20, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. – Department of Law & Public Safety Technology Complex, 1200 Negron Drive, Hamilton
  • Oct. 25, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. –  Kip Center, 55 Kip Avenue, Rutherford
  • Nov. 14, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. – Rowan College Mt. Laurel Campus, 900 College Circle, Laurel Hall, Room 320
State task force members, including Commissioner Johnson, Treasurer Elizabeth Maher Muoio, Department of Banking and Insurance Commissioner Marlene Caride, and Department of Health Commissioner Shereef Elnahal will attend the September event. Seating is on a first come, first served basis. Directions and other event information are available at: NJ.Gov/StateHealthBenefitsTaskforce.
The State Health Benefits Plan and the School Employees’ Health Benefits Plan cover over 800,000 active and retired members in New Jersey and account for 8.4 percent of the overall state budget. 
The task force, which includes a broad coalition of state and national health policy experts, union and employer stakeholders, and experts from the administration, is charged with identifying short and long-term solutions to improve the system. The task force was formed by an executive order signed by Governor Murphy on July 20, 2018.
Comments to the task force can also be sent via email to StateHealthBenefitsTaskForce@NJ.Gov or submitted online at:

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