Governor signs Bucco bill improving efficiency at MVC offices

Governor signs Bucco bill improving efficiency at MVC offices


Licenses will expire on the driver’s birthday, reducing end-of-the-month delays



TRENTON, N.J. – Assemblyman Anthony Bucco’s legislation addressing month-end wait times at Motor Vehicle Commission offices was signed into law by Gov. Chris Christie today. A driver’s license will expire every four years, on the driver’s birthday rather than the last day of the month it was issued.

“We can solve the frustrating lines and delays that damage MVC’s reputation by eliminating the flood of drivers desperate to get things done before the end of the month,” said Bucco (R-Morris). “When deadlines are spread across the month, agency offices will more efficiently move people through the system. This will improve efficiency and increase customer satisfaction.”

The bill enacts one of the reforms targeted by the governor to improve customer service and efficiency at MVC.

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