Greater Wildwood Democratic Club President Responds to Announcement of Planned Trump Rally at the Wildwoods Convention Center with Rep. Van Drew


Walt Deegan President of the Greater Wildwood Democratic Club issued the following statement in response to the scheduled Trump rally at the Wildwoods Convention Center with Rep. Van Drew.

“In a cynical act of political opportunism Jefferson Van Drew turned his back on not only Democrats but Republicans and Independents alike. No longer can he claim to be the maverick voice we thought he was. It’s clear the only thing that matters to him is the spotlight and holding onto political power by any means necessary. By pledging his “undying support” to the most corrupt and obscene President in our nation’s history he has proven his loyalty lies not with the constitution, his constituents, or the future of our democracy but his political future. Now he thinks a ridiculous rally with an impeached President will guarantee him a primary victory but I believe South Jersey Republicans see this man for what he is, a fraud. Nobody likes a turncoat, shame on you Van Drew!”

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