The Green Party of NJ - Black Caucus Statement on Parker Space

Jim Brash
Co-chair, GPNJ-BC


The Green Party of NJ - Black Caucus Statement on Parker Space


Knowingly taking a picture in front of the battle flag of Tennessee, commonly known as the rebel flag, and remains the most well known symbol of not only the confederacy, but also of white supremacy was not only insensitive, and disrespectful, but also callous on the part of Parker Space no matter how he attempts to spin it- he knew better. Furthermore, with his opposition and eventual abstention to the 2016 bill that condemned its use at certain state monuments, along with his double downing on the photo that kicked off this sad controversy, we demand his immediate resignation from the NJ state assembly.


He attached an apology to the origin posting of the pic, so another half-hearted apology won't do and anyone asking for one and nothing more doesn't understand the seriousness of the offense nor the current sociopolitical climate we are living in that is giving neo-nazis, white supremacists, the Klan, their sympathizers, & ideology breathing room to stretch its hateful wings, and spread its detestable stench. Mr. Space has also proudly claimed that what he did was an act of working class humor and this is how working class people do. Mr. Space is from one of the most affluent families in Sussex and the only working class people he deals with daily are the ones that are in his family's employ at Space Farms. To claim that hard working people routinely engage of acts of insensitivity towards minorities and are dismissive of those acts being perceived as bigoted or racist, he should be ashamed of himself.


If Mr. Space is unwilling to resign, we call upon the members of the NJ assembly to protect the integrity of their legislative house under section 7:6 of the NJ General Assembly Rules (Punishment of Members) and at least censure Mr. Space if not outright expel from membership of said body. We are asking the good men and women the State assembly, both Democrat and Republican, to make a stand against the behavior displayed by Mr. Space, no matter how trivial or harmless he personally finds it to be. There is no room in our state for elected officials to embrace symbols of hatred & bigotry, no matter the context, in the 21st century.


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