Green Party of NJ Latinx Caucus Launches Statewide Puerto Rico Relief Aid Campaign

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Aaron Hyndman

Green Party of NJ Latinx Caucus Launches Statewide Puerto Rico Relief Aid Campaign

TRENTON, N.J. (Nov. 28, 2017) – Beginning on the 28th of November, Giving Tuesday 2017, The Green Party of NJ Latinx Caucus is launching a massive statewide campaign to raise funds for relief supplies to the hurricane-devastated island of Puerto Rico. In keeping with its commitment to outreach and social justice, The Green Party of New Jersey encourages everyone to remember the inhabitants of Puerto Rico, those that were most impacted during this year’s devastating hurricane season.

To facilitate that goal, the Latinx Caucus of the Green Party of New Jersey relief effort is now underway in partnership with other area organizations to provide urgent assistance to those that were hardest hit in Puerto Rico.

To ensure that the effort gets successfully underway, the Green Party of NJ will be providing an immediate contribution of $250 and an additional match of the first $500 in donations raised through its fundraising webpage between November 27th and Dec 31st. Given the appalling lack of initial hurricane-relief assistance given to the people of Puerto Rico after such a devastating blow, The Green Party of New Jersey is committed to meeting the challenge of making sure all citizens have access to daily needs through efforts spearheaded by its newly-established Latinx Caucus.

“Puerto Rico is not a distant foreign land; it is a United States territory within easy reach of the U.S. mainland whose people have borne the brunt of systematic political, economic, and cultural oppression under American colonization,” said Jaimi Rodriguez, Liaison and Spokesperson for the GPNJ Latinx Caucus.  “For that reason, the responsibility lies with the people of the United States, both the federal government and private citizens, to carry out the task of disaster relief as its just and moral obligation.”

To provide aid to these communities, the Latinx Caucus has arranged for a shipping container that will be fully-stocked with goods and sent to Puerto Rico, where partner organizations on the island will ensure that the supplies are received by those who need them the most. Donations to this cause will help fill the container as soon as possible in order to ensure that aid reaches the Puerto Rican people in urgent fashion.

Volunteers and donations of items are also needed. For more information about this vital fundraiser and the link to donate, please visit the GPNJ website at

About the Green Party of New Jersey
Committed to upholding, defending and promoting the principles of peace, ecology, social justice, and democracy, the Green Party of New Jersey is the statewide affiliate of the Green Party of the United States. With a network of active county-level committees throughout New Jersey, GPNJ is committed to the advancement of its core principles through grassroots initiatives across New Jersey and the recruitment of Green Party candidates to run for elected office at all levels of municipal, county, and statewide government. To learn more about the Green Party of New Jersey, visit their website at

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