Greenstein, Bateman Bill Appropriating Funding for Capital Projects and Park Development Advances

Greenstein, Bateman Bill Appropriating Funding for Capital Projects and Park Development Advances


TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senate Environment and Energy Committee Vice-Chair Linda Greenstein and Senator Christopher Bateman that would appropriate $2.940 million to the Department of Environmental Protection to fund capital projects and park development advanced from the Senate Environment and Energy Committee today.


“Many generations have enjoyed the great outdoors in New Jersey by spending their days going on hikes or their nights camping in the parks located throughout state,” said Senator Greenstein (D-Mercer/Middlesex).  “This legislation would provide funding to provide many of our parks with much needed repairs and renovations while also developing new campsites for all to enjoy.”


The bill, S-3209, would appropriate funding from corporation business tax revenues authorized from the “Preserve New Jersey Green Acres Fund” and from remaining funds of the “Diesel Risk Mitigation Fund” to fund capital projects and park development on lands administered by the DEP’s Division of Fish and Wildlife.


“There is no greater lessen to teach our children than the importance of protecting the environment,” said Senator Bateman (R-Hunterdon/Mercer/Middlesex/Somerset).  “We are blessed with landscapes that range from beautiful beaches, to wide open valleys, and mountaintops that reach the clouds. There are a number of projects we can tackle to preserve these magnificent destinations. Securing this funding is a fiscally-responsible way to do so.”


The bill advanced from committee with a vote of 4-0, and next heads to the full Senate for further consideration.

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