Greenwald Statement on Governor’s Budget Address

Greenwald Statement on Governor’s Budget Address
(TRENTON) – Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald (D-Camden, Burlington) issued the following statement Tuesday in response to Governor Murphy’s FY 2021 Budget Address:
“First, I’m glad to see the final FY 2020 revenue projections met our expectations. Last year we crafted a fair budget and I am happy to see the estimated revenue numbers the Governor referenced in his address come pretty close to the numbers we predicted— for the second year in a row.
“As a former Budget Chair, a good, responsible budget supports the needs of New Jersey families, raises the working middle class and grows the economy. The Governor’s address starts the beginning of the budget process.
“It’s time for us to get to work. It’s time to pour over the details, pull it apart and put it back together again. As always, this will require our collaboration as equal branches of government.”