Greenwald Statement on Impact of Federal Government Shutdown

Greenwald Statement on Impact of Federal Government Shutdown

Majority Leader offers help for furloughed workers seeking to apply for unemployment insurance


(TRENTON) – Assembly Majority Leader Louis D. Greenwald (D-Camden, Burlington) issued the following statement regarding the impact of the partial federal government shutdown on New Jerseyans:


“Yesterday, roughly 800,000 federal workers felt the pain of their first lost paycheck due to the senseless partial government shutdown. Today marks day 22 of the shutdown making it the longest government shutdown in the history of our nation. There appears to be no end in sight and that is unacceptable.

            New Jersey is home to an estimated 5,000 federal workers. Many of them continue to diligently serve the public despite not receiving a paycheck. These hard workers have bills to pay, families to feed and lives to live. We must stand up for these friends and neighbors.

            No federal worker should worry about whether or not they’ll be paid because an impetuous president cannot reach a responsible agreement with leaders in Washington. I applaud the efforts of my Democrat colleagues in congress as they continue to work to re-open our government. In the meantime, my office stands ready to help and I’m urging furloughed federal employees assigned to work in New Jersey to apply for unemployment benefits at the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development

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