Greenwald Statement on Legislature, Governor Budget Deal
Greenwald Statement on Legislature, Governor Budget Deal
(TRENTON) – Assembly Majority Leader Louis Greenwald (D-Camden, Burlington) released the following statement on the successful negotiation of a state budget for FY ‘18-’19:
“We've reached a budget deal that comprises both the Governor's and the Legislature's priorities and sets New Jersey on a strong economic path for the next four years.
“I am proud of the path legislative leadership has taken during these negotiations fighting for funding and programs that our residents want and deserve.
“Budget negotiations are never a simple task, and they should not be, especially when those involved are committed to getting the right things done for the people of New Jersey.
“We negotiated a budget that makes programs for children, families and seniors a priority. Our budget provides tax relief by restoring the Homestead Rebate, Earned Income Tax Credit and a Child Tax Credit. This is a budget that holds the line on taxes for the working and middle class, helps to build more affordable housing, fixes our local roads and addresses the needs of NJ Transit Infrastructure.
“The appropriations in this budget will reach into our communities and will have a real, tangible effect on the everyday lives of New Jersey residents. We have accomplished something great for New Jersey today.”