GSI calls on Gov. Murphy to Veto Toll Increases on Turnpike, Parkway & AC Expressway

GSI calls on Gov. Murphy to Veto Toll Increases on Turnpike, Parkway & AC Expressway
MORRISTOWN, NJ – Garden State Initiative’s president, Regina M. Egea, issued the following statement calling upon Governor Phil Murphy to veto the toll increase plans approved today by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority and South Jersey Transportation Authority:
New Jersey Turnpike Authority
“On the heels of our Treasurer’s dour outlook on our economy’s recovery, a 27% increase in tolls for the Parkway and 36% for the Turnpike will further punish our middle- and lower-income workers and slow the recovery of our local small businesses.
This vote by the Turnpike Commissioners takes $524 million out of the hands of New Jersey residents who need it now more than ever to pay for everyday essentials like housing and food. That’s where the “stimulus” needs to stay until NJ has a recovery plan that includes the middle and lower-income workers, not in the hands of the Turnpike bureaucracy to spend on their favored suppliers.
Governor Murphy should prioritize the interests of our state’s struggling workers and small businesses owners by vetoing this plan. If not, his tacit approval of another Gas Tax increase is clearly on the horizon which will only inhibit NJ’s economic recovery, not accelerate it.”
South Jersey Transportation Authority
“The SJTA vote today added 37% to the commuting costs of Atlantic City service industry workers who can least afford it. Nationwide and in New Jersey in particular, COVID-19 had a disproportionate impact on the hospitality and leisure sector which is the lifeblood of Atlantic City.
This almost 40% toll increase adds insult to injury to a city whom the Administration continues to ignore by withholding their approval of a credible reopening plan that has been on the table for multiple weeks.
Governor Murphy should prioritize the recovery of Atlantic City and our South Jersey economy by vetoing this plan.”
The Garden State Initiative is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening New Jersey by providing an alternative voice and commonsense policy solutions in the state -- solutions that promote new investment, the growth of businesses, the creation of economic opportunities, and innovation to the benefit of all New Jerseyans.