Guadagno Campaign: RIGGED: Phil Murphy Helped The DNC And Hillary Clinton Rig The 2016 Primary
RIGGED: Phil Murphy Helped The DNC And Hillary Clinton Rig The 2016 Primary
Murphy Donated Over $130,000 To Joint DNC-Clinton Fund Donna Brazile Says Was Used To Rig The Primary Against Bernie Sanders
"Donna Brazile’s explosive new book sheds a light on how Phil Murphy helped rig the 2016 primary against Bernie Sanders as practice for his own gubernatorial run in 2017," said Guadagno Spokesman Ricky Diaz. "As a former DNC finance chair, Phil Murphy knew that his money was going to be used to take over the DNC for Hillary and rig the presidential primary when he donated over $130,000 to the DNC-Hillary Victory Fund. Because he got away with it in 2016, it's clear Murphy also decided to use his Wall Street fortune to buy the New Jersey Democratic primary in 2017. New Jerseyans can now see Phil Murphy doesn’t have their back, and they will send him a loud and clear message on Tuesday: their votes are not for sale."