Guatemalan Merchants’ Association endorses Trenton Mayoral candidate Paul Perez

Guatemalan Community Endorses Paul Perez
Trenton’s large and growing Guatemalan community has overwhelmingly put its faith in Mayoral candidate Paul Perez through numerous public endorsements this week.
This community’s latest endorsements came from the 120-member Guatemalan Merchants’ Association (GMA), which followed on the heels of earlier support offered through the Guatemalan Civic Association and SALCAJENCES United (Association of Individuals of Salcaja, Guatemala). The GMA endorsement took place at Guatenvios Multiservicios, a business on Chambers Street operated by GMA Treasurer Eddy Garcia.
“Paul has a different vision. He really wants to make Trenton Better.,” said GMA president Estuardo Arriola. Arriola, who operates Interservices Ela on South Clinton Avenue in Trenton noted, “Paul Perez listens to us. He understands that we have experienced the same people at City Hall with no changes in how we are treated. We want to be treated fairly like everyone else and we know that will happen under his administration.”
Perez thanked the organizations for their support in advance of Tuesday’s election. “Over the past several years I have worked alongside the Guatemalan Merchants’ Association and other independent, small business owners in this city. Hard working and dedicated to Trenton, they deserve world class service, timely inspections, and an expedited permit process that continues their business operations and serves our city’s best interests,” Perez said.
Perez, who is on ballot position # 4 in the May 8th election, noted that instead of being ignored, small businesses like those represented by the GMA will benefit under his administration. “Without a doubt, our economic development plan and partnerships will serve to create the conditions that will allow all businesses to flourish,” Perez concluded.
More information about the Perez candidacy is available by linking to:
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