Guidance for Visiting Union County Parks during COIVD-19 Outbreak

Guidance for Visiting Union County Parks during COIVD-19 Outbreak
Union County, NJ – The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders reminds all residents to maintain precautions against spreading or contracting the COVID-19 coronavirus in Union County parks.
“COVID-19 does not disappear outdoors,” said Union County Freeholder Chairman Alexander Mirabella. “Members of the public who visit County parks must continue to protect themselves and others from contracting this deadly disease. Let’s all remain vigilant and look out for one another as we work through this challenging time together.”
People can carry the virus without symptoms and infect others, whether indoors or outside. Park visitors must maintain a safe “social distance” of six feet apart from others in order to reduce the risk of spreading or contracting COVID-19.
In accordance with statewide stay-at-home regulations ordered by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy on March 21, individual activities like walking, jogging, and bicycling are permitted in Union County parks. Activities with immediate family members, caretakers, household members, or romantic partners are also permitted.
Other gatherings and group activities are prohibited. Visitors are advised to avoid congested areas. When using pathways and trails give way to others, in order to maintain a six-foot distance.
All restrooms in Union County parks are closed in order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. Visitors should plan ahead and use facilities at home.
Playgrounds, dog parks, and other recreation areas in County parks are closed in order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, including golf courses and the Trailside Museum & Science Center among other facilities.
For more information and updates on all Union County services during the COVID-19 outbreak, visit
For general information about COVID-19 and phone contacts for 24/7 assistance with questions, visit the New Jersey Department of Health at
Park visitors please note: Stay on marked trails in order to preserve fragile native habitat in County parks. The taking of plants and other wildlife is prohibited. Share paved paths by keeping to the right unless passing others. Bicycles are permitted only on paved paths. Dogs must be kept on leash. All trash must be carried out where receptacles are full or unavailable.