Gusciora For Mayor: Paul Perez: Still No Comment On Privatizing City’s Water

Paul Perez: Still No Comment On Privatizing City’s Water

Candidate’s Silence is Deafening

Trenton N.J. – Paul Perez has spent the last 4 days giving the people of Trenton no consideration. His plans to sell their water provider to the highest bidder, remain secret. Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Trenton) has publicly demanded that his opponent answer this fundamental question: What is your plan for Trenton Water Works?

“The voters have a right to know what their next mayor is doing with their water. If Mr. Perez is going to auction off Trenton Water Works, I want to know, and the people deserve to know.”  - Gusciora maintains. The Assemblyman has been calling for answers since last Sunday’s debate.

Paul Perez refused to fully answer the question about whether or not he would privatize Trenton’s only water authority. The businessman claimed that he did not know enough to have a plan ready.

“The people of Trenton do not need another corporation exploiting and restricting their access to essential services.” – the Assemblyman continues – “I know that Paul wants to make money, that’s the job of any corporate suit. But Trentonians deserve to have control over their drinking water.”

Mr. Perez’s silence has been deafening.

“This is not a political issue; this is a human rights issue. Privatized water is not what this city needs right now.” – Gusciora has faith that his relationship with Governor Murphy can lift the Memorandum currently hampering Trenton Water’s ability to hire.

“I have faith in Trenton. We’re a capable city, with a competent workforce, no matter what my opponent thinks. I know that he has no experience in policy but selling away control of our water is not the answer.” – the Assemblyman reasons.

Asm. Reed Gusciora met with Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver earlier this week. He plans, when Mayor, to lift the hiring restrictions and give the authority a necessary facelift. He argues that “our water is a valuable asset.”

Trenton Water Works serves not only Trenton but a number of surrounding communities.

The Food and Water Watch endorsed Assemblyman Gusciora this week. The organization actively fights against corporate intrusion into community water providers. “The rates go up, and quality goes down. I can’t understand why Perez would want to do this to his own city.” Concluded Gusciora.

The runoff election is closing in, taking place on June 12th.

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