Hackensack's Labrosse Team: Tracking Poll Shows Labrosse Team Winning 52% of Vote, Poised for Victory
HACKENSACK, N.J. -- With just over one week to go until Hackensack's May 9th election the Labrosse Team has opened up a 35 percentage point lead on the two opposition tickets, both of which are fighting for a distant second place finish, according to the results of a tracking poll the campaign is releasing today. The poll shows 52% of likely voters supporting the Labrosse Team in the three-way race, with 17% choosing the Hackensack United for Progress that is backed by the Zisa political family machine and 11% supporting Hackensack Strong. Twenty percent of voters are undecided. "Mayor Labrosse and his team have been working extremely hard for months, hitting thousands of doors and talking to voters about their record of success and vision for lower taxes and honest government in Hackensack," said Labrosse Team spokesman Philip Swibinski. "Our team is poised for a strong victory on May 9th because voters see the positive changes happening in the city and want to keep moving forward with the Labrosse Team. This election will finally mark the end of the Zisa era in Hackensack."
The poll shows Mayor John Labrosse with a strong 46%/27% favorable/unfavorable rating, far higher than opponents Lara Rodriguez and Councilwoman Deborah Keeling-Geddis who are heading the two opposition tickets. 63% of voters said the city is headed in the Right Direction, compared to just 37% who said it was off on the Wrong Track. 33% of voters identify the Hackensack United for Progress ticket as being supported by the Zisa family.
The tracking poll was conducted from April 24-26th and includes responses from 162 likely voters in the May 9th nonpartisan city election.
About the Labrosse Team
Mayor Labrosse and his team of Deputy Mayor Canestrino, Councilman Leo Battaglia and Councilman David Sims won the 2013 municipal election, and since that time their leadership has resulted in the city's downtown redevelopment and revitalization, adding nearly $1 billion in new real estate value to the city, and in Hackensack's first tax rate cut in a decade. They announced their re-election campaign recently along with their running mate Council candidate Stephanie Von Rudenborg.
For any additional information please contact Philip Swibinski at 201-864-0600 or philip.swibinski@vmmi.net.