Hamilton Councilwoman Schirmer, Former Councilman Gore Call On Hamilton GOP Chair Pone To Step Down


Councilwoman Schirmer, former Councilman Gore; Time for Pone to Step Down!

This year’s Hamilton mayoral election clearly revealed to Republicans that Hamilton
Republican Chairman, Dennis Pone lacks the moral and ethical integrity to represent
Republicans. Dennis Pone purposely lied about the fake news, BlogSpot, which was
used by him and others to attack Republicans. Dennis Pone, lied to the press, lied to
the public and even when he was caught lying, has never issued an apology. He
supported and was a member of the Hamilton Republican Club, a club that took
measures to ban member’s free speech when it didn’t suit their narrative and removed
members and attempted to remove elected Republican officials who tried to exercise
their first amendment rights. Mr. Pone was deeply involved in trying to oust the Mercer
County Republican Chairwoman one month before elections. He has demonstrated
over and over that he is incapable of addressing an issue directly with an individual,
instead he attacks them publicly.

After taking office as Chairman, Mr. Pone refused to meet with members of Republicans
for a Better Hamilton simply because he is incapable of conversation, he wants to pick
and choose which Republicans he will or will not represent. The responsibility of
Hamilton Republican Chairman is to represent all Republicans, not pick and choose
instead, he chose to be the Chairman of the Yaede club. In the 2017 council elections,
Mr. Pone was part of the “Yaede team,” who suffered a devasting loss and gave the
democrats the majority on council. This year, he failed to hold fair and honest candidate
selection process instead, in his blind loyalty to Yaede, he chose to support a candidate
for mayor who was seriously flawed. Under his Chairman leadership the mayor’s office
will now be under Democrat control, first time in over ten years.

Time for Dennis Pone to accept the fact that character matters, integrity matters, being
ethical matters. His unethical behavior and actions will not be tolerated by Hamilton
Republicans. We are calling for Dennis Pone to step down immediately as Hamilton
Republican Chairman and allow for another Republican, with morals and ethics to lead
as Hamilton Republican Chair.

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