Hamilton Looks to Assist Houses of Worship with  Preparedness through Upcoming Training Session

Hamilton Looks to Assist Houses of Worship with
Preparedness through Upcoming Training Session

As the county’s largest town, Hamilton Township is home to many houses of worship.

And to assist the town’s local faith communities with emergency preparedness, Mayor Yaede has organized a special training session later this month to help Hamilton’s houses of worship keep their congregations safe.

The session, which will take place on Tuesday, May 22nd from 6 PM to 8 PM at Nottingham Fire Company (located at 200 Mercer Street), will be led by a Trainer from the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness.  There will be no cost to the designated representatives of each Hamilton house of worship, which were just mailed an invitation.

Topics to be discussed will include past shooting incidents, current law enforcement response adaptations, what to do during an active shooter situation and when Police arrive in response, the development of an emergency action plan, as well as training ushers and volunteers to be aware for possible issues.

“The most important factor in emergency management is preparedness; and given the many houses of worship across our town, we want to ensure that our local congregations are prepared to help keep our families, neighbors and loved ones safe as they worship and practice their faiths,” explains Mayor Yaede, who also serves as Hamilton’s Director of Public Safety.

Faith community representatives are asked to RSVP by Thursday, May 17, 2018, to confirm their attendance by contacting Kyle Battaglia of the Hamilton Township Department of Public Works at KBattaglia@HamiltonNJ.com (E-mail RSVP is preferred) or calling 609.890.3576.           


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