Hamilton’s Efforts Will Help Residents with  Flood Insurance Save Over $100,000 a Year in Aggregate

Hamilton’s Efforts Will Help Residents with
Flood Insurance Save Over $100,000 a Year in Aggregate

Hamiltonians living in designated special flood areas will save almost $350 a year in their flood insurance costs thanks to the efforts of Hamilton Township in the area of floodplain management.

Mayor Kelly Yaede has announced that Hamilton was recently notified that, beginning in October, the community’s rating will increase – allowing residents who reside in a designated Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHAs) to save 15 percent on their flood insurance premiums.  According to a New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection official, the community-wide total savings will be $103,023 per year.  Currently, residents in SFHAs save 10 percent on premiums thanks to Hamilton’s efforts.  Discounts are automatically applied by a resident’s insurance company; and no action is required by a resident.  However residents can always check with their insurance provider to make sure that they are receiving the discount.

Other residents in areas with minimal risk for flood (provided they do not have a PRP - Preferred Risk Policy - or a MRP -Minimum Risk Policy; ones located in areas below base flood elevation) may be eligible to save 5 percent on their premiums thanks to Hamilton’s efforts.

“Our floodplain management efforts are yet another example of ways that we continue to work to save residents money,” explains Mayor Kelly Yaede, who notes that the town’s Community Energy Aggregation Program was another example.

The National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive program - of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - that encourages floodplain management activities.

Hamilton efforts - such as detention basin management, promoting flood mitigation information and educational efforts - give residents the ability to save on their flood insurance.  In fact, Hamilton is the only town in Mercer County that currently qualifies for residents to save.

Residents can learn more about this program and floodplain management by visiting the website: HamiltonNJ.com/Flood

Also, in the months of April and May in the 2018 Township Calendar, which was mailed to all residents in December, a special notice explains Hamilton’s floodplain management efforts.


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