Hamilton’s First Female Mayor Helps  Community Mark Women’s History Month

Hamilton’s First Female Mayor Helps
Community Mark Women’s History Month

Hamilton’s first female Mayor will help her community mark Women’s History Month during the month of March.

Mayor Kelly Yaede, who became Hamilton’s Mayor in 2012, will host her 2nd annual breakfast to honor the contributions of the town’s female employees, while also participating as a workshop panelist at a local conference seeking to inspire young women.

As part of her 2nd annual breakfast honoring the Municipal Government’s female employees, Mayor Yaede will discuss the important leadership roles that women play in Hamilton Township.

The Hamilton Township Municipal Government benefits from females in several leadership and supervisory positions, such as: Director of Water Pollution Control, Municipal Clerk, Deputy Municipal Clerk, Tax Collector, Assistant Tax Assessor, Budget Officer, Purchasing Agent, Housing and Urban Development Office Director, Municipal Court Director, Municipal Court Assistant Director, HamStat Call Center Supervisor, Hamilton Alliance Against Substance Abuse Coordinator, Administrative Director of Public Health Nursing,  superior ranking Police Officers and a Council Member.

Also through the breakfast for the town’s female employees, which will take place on March 23rd, Hamilton’s Division of Health will be providing women’s health information to attendees.  The breakfast refreshments provided will be funded without the use of taxpayer dollars.

Additionally in March, Mayor Yaede will be panelist at the ‘Encouraging Women to Inspire Girls Conference’, which will take place on Saturday, March 31, 2018 from 8:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. at the Robert Wood Johnson Fitness and Wellness Center (located at 3100 Quakerbridge Road in Hamilton).  The conference is tailored to high school girls and is FREE to attend.  Advance registration is required and can by visiting   rwjbh.org/events or calling 609.584.5900.

“Whether in our local government, the private sector or the future careers of young women in our coming generations, I believe that I have an important responsibility as Hamilton’s first female Mayor to promote and encourage women to seek leadership roles throughout our society,” says Mayor Yaede.


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