Dr. Brigid Callahan Harrison




[January 29, 2020 – Longport, New Jersey] — Brigid Callahan Harrison, Democratic candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s second congressional district, announced this morning key endorsements from State Senator Dawn Marie Addiego, representing New Jersey’s 8th legislative district; Assemblyman Adam Taliaferro, representing New Jersey’s 3rd legislative district; Joe Derella, Cumberland County Freeholder Director. 


These endorsements build on the deep diverse support Brigid has received since first announcing her campaign in late December and comes of the heals of her two most recent endorsements earlier this week from American Federation of Teachers New Jersey, which represents 30,000 education workers throughout the state and Unite Here Local 54, which has over 10,000 members working in the hotel, gaming, and food service industries in New Jersey:


The following statements may be used on the record:


State Senator Dawn Marie Addiego


“When I first met Brigid Harrison, it was immediately apparent that she was an amazing woman who cared deeply for South Jersey and the families who live here.

As any working mother will tell you, the deck is often stacked against a woman who tries to balance family and career. Yet Brigid has managed to succeed at both.  She is a great Mom who has also risen to be one of the most respected and trusted public policy minds in our state.

I am glad she calls South Jersey home and thrilled to support her for Congress.  We need someone in Washington who will put the people of South Jersey ahead of politics.”

Assemblyman Adam Taliaferro


“It’s been a month since Jeff Van Drew sold his soul to the Trump Money Machine, in order to try and save his political career, and anger at his betrayal in South Jersey remains strong.  Many in our community have come up to me personally and shared the belief that our politics have failed us, and are looking for a hopeful voice who will be a strong advocate for us in Washington.  I am endorsing Brigid Harrison for Congress, because we must beat Van Drew and she is the only candidate that has the ability to bring all of us together, which we so desperately need right now. Brigid’s qualifications to represent us, her knowledge of the issues and her leadership make her the best choice.


“We all know Brigid, because she is one of us.  She knows our neighborhoods and has remained invested and involved for many years.  She is one of New Jersey’s top public policy experts and is running an amazing campaign.  It is clear she is the only candidate to beat Jeff Van Drew in the general election and I am proud to be one of many who supports her for Congress.”


Joe Derella, Cumberland County Freeholder Director 


“I am supporting Brigid because, after reviewing all of the other candidates’ issues and bios, I have found that Brigid is by far the most formidable candidate for the Democratic Party. She is far ahead of anyone else in her ability to understand the concrete issues our area faces and she is capable of tackling these issues and representing our area.”


Brigid Harrison, Democratic candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s second congressional district


“From the support of our unions to the diverse array of community and political leaders to the hugs I am receiving at events and the words of encouragement we are seeing on social media, it is clear we have created a true movement that goes far beyond any one name.


“As we saw last night, Trump and the extreme right has a new pawn in Jeff Van Drew and south Jersey is not happy about it.  Rather than “pulling a Van Drew” and putting self-interest over the people or focusing on division and blame, our community is demanding true leadership that will get things done, bring people together, and make bold stands.  We need a leader who will fight for strategic investments in infrastructure that foster the economic growth; creating quality, high-paying jobs; ensuring everyone has access to health care; and getting corporate special interest money out of our politics.


“While I am grateful to receive this kind of support so quickly, let’s be clear, we still have a great deal of work to do.  Trump has attacked me personally and Van Drew now has his Trump dollars to spend on this race.  But I promise I am always going to fight like hell and ask for every vote, until Van Drew is has been defeated.”

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