Dr. Brigid Callahan Harrison

[March 16, 2020 - Longport, New Jersey] Today, Governor Phil Murphy announced that all casinos in New Jersey would close on Monday at 8 pm.  

To address the devastating economic effects of this announcement Brigid Callahan Harrison, Democratic candidate for Congress (NJ-02) issued this afternoon a series of additional policy suggestions focused specifically to assist New Jersey’s casino and hospitality industry.

Today’s announcement adds to a series of COVID-19 policy proposals outlined last week by the Harrison campaign, which included federally-guaranteed paid sick leave for those affected by the coronavirus, extended family medical leave for caregivers; increased and expedited unemployment benefits; expanded supplemental nutrition programs including WIC and food stamps; and housing assistance packages.

The following is a statement from Brigid Callahan Harrison, Democratic candidate for Congress (NJ-02):

“Ensuring the health and safety of our families, friends, co-workers, and employees must be our primary responsibility in these unprecedented times.  In these unchartered waters, we must also recognize that this public health crisis is now becoming a long-term economic crisis for New Jersey.  The economic impact of the COVID-19 is already being felt and will be far more significant as our casinos follow the new requirements outlined today by the Governor.  As we address the immediate needs for what will hopefully be a short-term health crisis, we must plan for long-term effects that will be felt by our casino and hospitality employees.

“Our community has tens of thousands of hourly workers who are not only in need of addressing potential health risks but also require guaranteed support for their economic livelihood.

“Moving forward, our national, statewide, and community leaders must work hand in hand with casino and hospitality employers to do everything possible to adequately and consistently address the economic crisis, while understanding that for hourly and tip workers this pandemic presents not just a public health threat but also could have long-term devastating financial implications.

“I am calling for the federal government to specifically craft an aid response that will assist the residents of the second district and others whose regional economies are dependent on the travel and tourism industries and we begin this process by having the federal government ensure that emergency unemployment benefits are available immediately”

“People within our community have already seen work hours reduced, and there is fear of how they will be able to pay their mortgages, rent, and grocery bills.  As the casinos close, economic uncertainty looms. Therefore, I am also calling on Congress to pass a federally-subsidized bridge loan program, enabling both large and small businesses in the travel and tourism sectors to remain afloat.  We must do far more as hotels see single-digit occupancy rates, projected casino revenue evaporates, and demand abruptly halts for all of the connected industries, including food and beverage providers, linen suppliers, amusement parks, entertainers.  This loan program should be made available for 12 months so that businesses are cushioned against the potentially devastating economic effects of this crisis.

“I am also advocating for policy that will extend corporate tax payments and temporary tax relief for those affected by our casino closing. Different industries have varying cash reserves, and that means that we need to target customized relief to each specific sector and industry.

“Most of all, we must be diligent.  Our health and economic issues will not be addressed between now and either a primary or general election.  At the root of addressing this issue will be leadership.  We do not have the luxury of waiting to do what is right.  And there is no time for on the job training.  As a candidate for Congress, my focus will continue to develop and showcase realistic ideas, based on the people’s needs.  I am fully committed to bringing all areas of our community together to develop these ideas and ensure our voice is heard in Washington.”

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