Hawthorne Green Party Candidate Cayetano Signs “No Fossil Fuels Money” Pledge for Protection of the Environment


Cayetano Signs “No Fossil Fuels Money” Pledge 

for Protection of the Environment



July 22, 2019



Craig Cayetano, Green Party candidate for Hawthorne Town Council, Ward 3, signed the “No Fossil Fuels Money” pledge committing himself and his campaign to not taking any money from PACs, lobbyists or Security and Exchange Commission-named executives for fossil fuel companies. Companies covered by this pledge include all whose primary business is the extraction, processing, distribution of sale of oil, gas and coal.


Said Cayetano, “I pledge to the people of Hawthorne that, as a Green Party candidate for Hawthorne Town Council, I will take no money from the fossil fuels industry. The original pledge sets a limit of $200 per candidate who signs it, but I’ve gone further than that. I pledge to accept no money at all from the fossil fuels industry. Since I am independent of the two mainstream political parties, you can be confident that I will not compromise when it comes to protecting the environment. I will be beholden to no company with a special interest in making profits from the sale or use of fossil fuels, one of the primary contributors to global warming and climate change.”


Cayetano announced his signing of the pledge in front of Hawthorne High School, making it clear that he took this action to protect future generations. “I am inspired by youth locally and across this country taking action regarding the current climate chaos happening. We need to move Hawthorne, New Jersey and the U.S. away from its dependence on fossil fuels for energy use.”


To see the video announcement, click here.

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