Hawthorne Ward 2 Candidate Thomas Bushnauskas Kicks Off Council Campaign Bridging the Community and the County

Freeholder Cassandra "Sandy" Lazzara, Freeholder Bruce James; County Clerk, Danielle Ireland- Imhoff, Assemblyman Chris Tully, Assemblywoman Lisa Swain, Council Candidate Thomas Bushnauskas and Chairman Currie support Thomas Bushnauskas for Second Ward Council.
Thomas Bushnauskas, Second Ward Council Candidate of Hawthorne, officially kicked off his campaign on July 27, 2018. Surrounded by family and friends, and his team (“Team Tom”), Bushnauskas welcomed party leaders, elected officials, and supporters.
Vietnam Veteran, and President of the Paterson Veteran’s Council, Mr. Anthony Vancheri, performed the flag salute.
In his opening comments, the campaign manager of “Team Tom” said, “ As President Kennedy, once said, “Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.” Today, as we all gather here, we are passing the torch to a member of a new generation. However, every torch in order for it be lit, must have a spark to help light it. It is you who, through your presence and support, will light the torch for Tom. He has the determination, the grit, and the drive to become our next Second Ward Councilman.”
In his remarks, Bushnauskas said, “As this campaign continues, I will tirelessly work to strengthen the relationship between the town of Hawthorne and the County - it is together we can continue to make Passaic County the best county in the State of New Jersey. I will continue to build relationships with individuals, businesses, and community organizations that have supported me thus far. I will work to create honest and transparent government; improve economic growth, provide innovative solutions; embrace the ever -changing demographics of the town; continue to shape the future of Hawthorne while maintaining the positive legacy Hawthorne provides. It is through your support and friendship. we can achieve those goals. By doing so, I can bridge both the community and the county.
Sheriff Richard Berdnik, Freeholder Pat Lepore and Freeholder Terry Duffy, Assemblyman Christopher Tully and Assemblywoman Lisa Swain, offered support for Bushnauskas as they seek reelection for their own respective offices.
For more information on Thomas Bushnauskas and his campaign visit www.tomforcouncil2019.com