Henderson: An Open Letter to Hamilton Republicans

From the Desk of Republican Mayoral Candidate David Henderson

Dear Fellow Republican,

                My name is David Henderson and I am running to be your next Republican Mayor of Hamilton Township.  Two years ago, those words would never have come out of my mouth!

However, I could no longer sit on the sidelines and watch the town that I was born and raised in, the town that I raised my children in and that I was once proud to call home, deteriorate and become unaffordable for so many of our residents because of poor leadership and lack of vision.

I knew I had to do something!  Even if that meant taking on my own party and the status quo to make a difference for both my family and yours.

                Like our President, Donald Trump, who I am an unapologetic supporter of, I’m not a politician and I am not afraid to speak my mind!  Of course, that upsets the lifelong politicians and they will say or do anything to stay in power!   That’s why my opponent is outright lying about me and personally attacking me and my family, so I am writing you to tell you the truth!

I am the proud father of five amazing children, I am a grandfather and a husband to a caring, supportive wife. I have been actively involved in our community my entire life.

Let me give you a little background on my qualifications and professional experience. I am a Certified Public Manager.  My career in government and business has spanned over 45 years.  I have experience in operations management, project management, technical service management, contract negotiations, client relations, labor relations, regulatory compliance and the development and management of innovative technologies.

Now that you know a little bit about me and my qualifications,

HERE ARE THE FACTS about Kelly Yaede’s record as Mayor:

  • Yaede has raised our property taxes over 15%, while increasing her salary three times over 20%.  In 2018 she proposed a 5% tax increase.
  • Nearly 2,000 innocent animals have been wrongfully killed at our Animal Shelter which has been the subject of multiple investigations for mismanagement.
  • Our town’s debt has ballooned to a massive $186,600,000.00. That’s not a misprint, our town is drowning in debt, which leads to higher taxes on all of us.
  • The roads are a mess, our infrastructure is crumbling, and a half our towns water supply is tainted. Apparently, all the additional money coming in from tax increases is not being used to fix the most basic problems in our town like our roads and water supply!

I could go on and on about what problems need to be fixed, but you understand, you live here too.  Now let me tell you about my plan and how I will address these problems!

The Henderson Plan … Common Sense, Conservative Solutions

                Below is a brief summary of my plan to deal with the most important issues facing Hamilton.

Reduce Taxes by Implementing Efficient Government

As a fiscally conservative Republican my goal is to run a cost effective, well managed municipal work force and keep spending down. With over 45 plus years of experience in government and the private sector I have a track record of results to cut spending and realize cost saving for taxpayers.

Quality Economic Development and Re-Development

Quality Economic Development and Re-Development will bring increased property values and an improved quality of life. My Economic Development initiatives will include engaging with corporations while keenly developing partnerships with blue collar and manufacturing ventures.

Fire District Consolidation to Increase Safety and Save Taxpayer Money

I will work to immediate consolidate to a single fire district which is the most expeditious and viable.  I will then work with Council and the Fire Fighter’s unions to plan to move to a municipal fire service once the 8 Fire Districts normalize their operation as one district.

These are just a few of my ideas!  For more visit my website- www.ElectHenderson2019.com

The reality of the current situation is that our town and our party are at a crossroads. In 2017 Republicans lost control of council and were beaten so bad on election day running as “The Yaede Team” that the only two people willing to run with her this year, are two former Gilmore Democrats – one being Vinnie Capodanno!  Yes, the same Vinnie Capodanno who called for Jack Rafferty’s resignation when he was Mayor.  If we don’t change course, we will suffer the same fate as two years ago! Kelly Yaede will easily be beaten in November!  The Democrats will take complete control and will tax us into oblivion. Your vote for me can stop that!

I want to thank you for taking the time to read this letter.   I hope throughout the course of this campaign I can earn your vote for Mayor in the June 4th primary election.

For A Better Hamilton,

David Henderson

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