High Lead Levels in Newark Taps: Clean Water Action Calls for Immediate Action

High Lead Levels in Newark Taps
Clean Water Action Calls for Immediate Action

For Immediate ReleaseTuesday, June 26, 2018


Contact: Amy Goldsmith, Clean Water Action State Director, 732-895-2502, agoldsmith@cleanwater.org

Newark, NJ--Clean Water Action's State Director, Amy Goldsmith, released the following statement today regarding high levels of lead found in Newark's tap water:

"Clean Water Action is very concerned about the high lead levels coming out of Newark’s taps. We can't work fast enough to protect our most vulnerable - especially infants who are formula-fed where 40-60 percent of their lead intake could be from the water as a result of lead leaching out of pipes and fixtures.

The city has identified at least 15,000 lead service lines that need a full replacement. This requires a long term commitment to funding by the city, state and federal government as well as mechanisms for reducing the financial and health burdens experienced everyday by Newark residents.

In the interim, residents should never use hot water from the tap to cook with, wash, or make baby formula - no matter how rushed you are; boiling water is not a protective measure against lead (it does the reverse by raising the concentration in the water); always run water 15-30 seconds to flush system especially at first use of the day; and remove electrical ground wires from water pipes to reduce pipe corrosion."


Lead Fact Sheet

Visit: www.nj.gov/health/ceohs/documents/dw_lead_factsheet.pdf

Lead Service Line Replacement

Visit: www.newarkleadserviceline.com

If you aren't sure whether you have a lead service line, contact the City at waterandsewer@ci.newark.nj.us or (973) 733-6303 to request an inspection for material verification.

Get Your Tap Water Tested

Contact the Newark Water Department at (973) 733-6370.

If you need help getting a response, contact Clean Water Action: njcwa@cleanwater.org.


Clean Water Action, founded in 1972, is a one million-member nationwide organization with more than 100,000 New Jersey members. We work to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. We fight for clean water; environmental justice, and environmentally safe jobs and businesses despite the hostile anti-environment climate in our nation’s capital. www.cleanwateraction.org/nj 

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