Hillsborough Democrats to Honor Anne Iannone with First Ever Awards Dinner

The Hillsborough Democratic Organization will be celebrating the life of one if its most respected leaders, Anne Iannone, at the "First Annual Anne Iannone Awards Dinner" on Thursday, September 26th. Anne Iannone, who had a major presence in both the Hillsborough and Somerset County-wide Democratic organizations for decades, passed away at the age of 70 in February. All are welcome to remember this remarkable woman. Honorees at Thursday’s event include New Jersey State Assemblyman Roy Freiman, Hillsborough Township Committeewoman Olivia Holmes, and Democratic Candidate for Hillsborough Township Committee Jeffery Wright.

According to Hillsborough Democratic Chairman Ron Yoder "Anne Iannone was passionate about Democratic values and supported many social and political causes. She was a true, loyal, and dedicated Democrat and patriot. The Hillsborough Democratic Organization founded the Anne Iannone Awards Dinner to honor the leaders in our community the exemplify the values that Anne Iannone displayed and to inspire integrity in public service for years to come."

Iannone served as a Democratic County Committeewoman from the age of eighteen until her passing. She served as Chair of the North Plainfield Democratic Organization, Vice Chair for three Somerset County Democratic Committee Chairs, Vice Chair for three Municipal Democratic Organization Chairs in Hillsborough, Chair of the Hillsborough Municipal Democratic Organization, and President of the Hillsborough Democratic Alliance.

Iannone was one of the founders of the Somerset County Federation of Democratic Women and, with others, created the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for exceptional service to Democratic ideals. She herself received the award twice, a very special acknowledgement of her contributions and leadership. Mrs. Iannone also served as past Secretary and Chairwoman of the Somerset County Board of Elections and past Board Member of the Adult Day Care Center of Somerset County. She volunteered for many non-profit organizations.

In her professional life, Anne Iannone served the Somerville Motor Vehicle Agency for thirty three years as a private contractor and Manager. She was President of the Motor Vehicle Agents of New Jersey and served as a member of the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Committee on Improvements to Motor Vehicle Agencies.

Last week, the New Jersey Senate and General Assembly issued a joint legislative resolution paying tribute to Anne’s meritorious legacy of service, leadership, and commitment.

The event will take place in September 26th, 2019 from 6:30 - 9:30 at Café Graziella in Hillsborough. Tickets are $45 per person. To register, send an email to event@borodems.org, call 908-505-5150, online at http://bit.ly/anne-dinner, or make your check payable to the Hillsborough Democratic Organization and mail to 62 Peterson Rd, Hillsborough, NJ 08844.


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