Hispanic Republicans of North Jersey Hold Hudson County Event

Hispanic Republicans of North Jersey Hold Hudson County Event

Jersey City, April 29 – The Hispanic Republicans of North Jersey held their second meeting Monday evening at the Miss America Dinner in the Greenville section of Jersey City in Hudson County. At the meeting were special guests Rafael Franco, President and founder of the Family Advocate Network-Political Action Committee (FAN-PAC), as well as Republican Senate hopefuls Hirsh Singh and Natalie Rivera, who both seek to oust absentee New Jersey Senator Cory Booker.

Herminio Mendoza, Chairman and founder of the Hispanic Republicans of North Jersey, said “the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility, job creation, faith, and family – all issues that ring true for the Hispanic community.” Chairman Mendoza continued “that’s why we are gathered here, because the Democrat Party doesn’t share our values and has taken advantage of Hispanic voters for far too long.” The event featured an introduction by Chairman Mendoza welcoming everyone, informal conversation among members, and short talks by each of the guest speakers.

Senatorial candidate Hirsh Singh stated that “New Jersey has over 800,000 Hispanic American voters, a key demographic that must be taken seriously by Republicans.” He continued “the Hispanic community is entrepreneurial and hardworking and I am dedicated to helping this organization succeed so we can bring the Hispanic community into the Republican party where it belongs. Under president Trump, Hispanics have the lowest unemployment in the history of the country and we need to continue this growth.” Senatorial candidate Natalie Rivera stated that she “felt it was a wonderful event, and I look forward to working with the Hispanic Republicans of North Jersey to grow the Republican brand in Hudson County and to hitting the pavement to make New Jersey red again.”

Also in attendance was New Jersey GOP State Committeeman Joshua Sotomayor Einstein who represents Hudson County to the official state Republican party. Einstein stated, “Chairman Mendoza has done an amazing service for the GOP by creating this organization as well as by working with Chairwoman Kamei Harris of the Hudson County Federation of Republican Women to get the women’s group off the ground.” Einstein continued “his hard work and that of Ms. Harris, that of the two candidates for Senate, the speaker from FAN-PAC, as well as everyone that came to the meeting shows what people can do not only when they feel empowered but also when they are dedicated to empowering others.”

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