Hoboken Housing Authority Vice Chair Sanford Letter To Councilmembers: Last Call on Hoboken Election Integrity


Dear Incumbent City Councilmembers,

For the record, all five incumbent City Councilmembers DeFusco, Fisher, Giattino, Ramos, and Russo have refused to sign the Election Integrity Pledge. When I called on all candidates running for City Council to sign the pledge; I received both public support and the pledges from almost every challenger running for City Council. And despite the criminal conviction of Frank Raia and recent denial of his appeal; all 5 of you refuse to take a stand for Election Integrity? Is it any wonder why the current City Council will NOT strengthen Hoboken’s pay-to-play laws sponsored by Councilmembers Doyle and Jabbour?

To Councilmembers Giattino and Fisher, do you lack integrity because you intend to continue violating the pledge against political retaliation? Councilmember Fisher, do you plan to continue your campaign of political retaliation via the blog that you support financially? How dare you embrace and kiss me on the cheek after everything your campaign machine and political blog have done to attack my character and reputation? Council President Giattino, how dare you ask me for a donation after both you and your campaign treasurer violated my civil rights and harmed the HHA?

To Councilmembers DeFusco and Ramos, do you lack integrity because you still hope to solicit money from wealthy developers to pay for hundreds of “campaign volunteers”? Is it really “volunteering” when the “volunteer” gets cash? Both of you took Frank Raia’s money and your attempts to distance yourselves from his political activities is disingenuous. Your previous campaigns bear a striking resemblance to the same schemes perpetrated by Raia. What makes your operations different? Perhaps the reason that you’re “disappointed” with Frank Raia is that he got caught and that he may take you down with him.
To Councilmember Russo, your 4 council colleagues are past the point of no return. This is your last chance to sign the Election Integrity Pledge and distance yourself from their inappropriate behavior and egregious records. Your failure to sign the pledge and condemn the behavior of your colleagues is noted. If you will not take a position on free and fair elections then I will take a stand. I admire and support the Hong Kong protesters. After visiting my Hong Kongese family, I am looking forward to exercising my right to vote in the upcoming election.

Lastly, I thank U.S. District Judge Martini, U.S. Attorney Carpenito, and the many federal investigators who have worked diligently to uphold the rule of law and take a stand for Election Integrity. Keep up the good work! Their efforts to protect our democratic system are just as important as our responsibility as voters to exercise our political rights. What is the point of having public servants fighting for election integrity? We must affirm their sacrifice, act on our civil rights, and vote out these politicians who do NOT support Election Integrity!

James Sanford Vice Chair Hoboken Housing Authority

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