Hoboken Mayor Bhalla Orders Residents To Self-Isolate


From Hoboken Mayor Bhalla:

This morning, the Harvard Global Health Institute called for a nationwide shutdown to slow the spread of COVID-19. The medical professionals agree it's going to get worse before it gets better. We need to ask - have we done everything possible to limit the spread of COVID-19? And so far, unfortunately, the answer is no.

Just recently, bars were packed and large clusters of people were in public parks & across Hoboken. That’s why today, we’re issuing a new policy of self-isolation. I’ve previously advised residents that if you’re sick, to stay home, call your doctor & self-isolate. That's not enough.

Whether you feel sick or not, all residents should immediately begin self-isolating at home. The policy requires people to stay home except for essential needs, the purchasing of food, care for a family member or friend, to get health care, or employment where remote work is not possible. It’s a fundamental change in the way we operate on a day-to-day basis.

Activities such as running, jogging, bike-riding, walking, and other similar activities are permitted, but only if social distancing of at least 6 feet is observed. Restaurants, bars and establishments will be permitted to continue operating takeout and delivery service, only.

All travel on public transport or vehicle is restricted for employment purposes only. Restaurants are permitted through delivery and take-out service only, grocery stores, supermarkets, bodegas, banks, restaurants with food, pharmacies, and coffee shops can remain open until 8pm.

I know this is not easy. But, I shudder at the thought of looking back on what we could have done now, knowing that our region could become the next Italy, before it’s literally too late. We can’t afford to make this mistake.

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