Hoboken Works to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy Use

Hoboken, NJ - Monday, April 23rd, 2018

As a dense coastal City, Hoboken is particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts including rising sea levels, more frequent and intense storm events, higher temperatures, and longer heat waves. The earth’s climate is changing because of increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Hoboken plans to help mitigate these climate change impacts by lowering the City’s greenhouse gas emissions beyond the targets established by the Paris Climate Agreement.

Hoboken’s highest source of greenhouse gas emissions is energy use. To lower emissions from energy use, the City of Hoboken is undertaking the following energy projects in 2018:

  • Establish a renewable government energy aggregation program that provides both cost savings and more renewable energy supply for Hoboken residents, businesses, and municipal facilities.
  • Develop a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Climate Action Plan that quantifies a path to carbon neutrality by 2027.
  • Pursue the Sustainable Jersey Gold Star Standard in Energy.
  • Continue the Hoboken Solar Challenge which helps residents compare quotes from pre-qualified solar installers, www.hobokensolar.org.
  • Complete an expanded feasibility study for the development of a city-wide microgrid to distribute power to critical and community facilities in an emergency.

Residents are invited to learn more about these projects at the Earth Week Energy Savings Workshop tonight, April 23 at 7 PM at Little City Books, 100 Bloomfield Street.

The workshop will help residents and businesses cut their energy bills and save money, with presentations by the City of Hoboken, New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program™ and Direct Install Program. It will conclude with a screening of the movie Wisdom to Survive: Climate Change, Capitalism & Community.

For more information about Earth Week events, visit www.facebook.com/hobokengreenteam.



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