Holzapfel, McGuckin & Catalano: ‘Complete Census for School Funding Fairness’

Holzapfel, McGuckin & Catalano: ‘Complete Census for School Funding Fairness’

With the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis, the 10th District Legislators, Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and John Catalano are reminding residents of the importance of the 2020 U. S. Census.

The U.S. Census is used to determine federal funding for infrastructure, schools, healthcare and housing, and Sen. Holzapfel and Am. McGuckin and Catalano are urging residents to complete the survey to ensure the state gets its fair share. (SenateNJ.com)

The census is used to determine federal funding for infrastructure, schools, healthcare and housing.

In recent years, funding for schools in the 10th Legislative District has been drastically cut.  The legislators are reminding residents of the importance of the census to ensure their fair share of school funding.

“Responding to the census, even in the middle of a pandemic, is important and we hope people hear this message and fill out their forms while they are confined to their homes during this time,” stated Senator Holzapfel. “The census is used to distribute federal funding for roads, bridges, schools and lunch programs.  Now that the deadline has been extended to August, we encourage everyone to visit census.gov and fill out their form as soon as possible.”

Ten years ago, New Jersey was undercounted resulting in the loss of billions of federal dollars and even a seat in Congress.  The participation in the census is even more important today to ensure New Jersey receives its fair share for school funding, infrastructure and critical healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

“During this pandemic, many people are looking for ways to help their community and this is one way,” said Assemblyman McGuckin.  “Complete your census and have your voice be heard.  We must ensure our population is counted to receive funding for the resources we so desperately need.  You must complete your 2020 census because our school funding depends on it.”

“As an elected official, I’ve been so focused on what’s going on with our state and our district that even I forgot to complete my census,” added McGuckin.  “If I have forgotten, I’m sure many other have as well.”

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the census response deadline has been extended to August 14.  Residents are encouraged to complete the census online, by phone or by mail.

“The census takes no more than five to 10 minutes to complete but will have lasting effects for years to come,” concluded Assemblyman Catalano.  “It has never been easier for residents to be accounted for with the option to complete the form online.  Every dollar of federal funding is money that the state does not have to spend, so participating in the 2020 Census will help control state taxes.”

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