Holzapfel, Wolfe & McGuckin Blast Democrats’ Plan to Cut Millions in Local School Funding

Holzapfel, Wolfe & McGuckin Blast Democrats’ Plan to Cut Millions in Local School Funding

Toms River Would Lose $3.3 Million, Brick $2.1 Million Under Sweeney/Prieto Agreement

Senator Jim Holzapfel, Assemblyman Dave Wolfe, and Assemblyman Greg McGuckin (all R-10) blasted a back-room deal negotiated by Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D-Gloucester) and Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto (D-Hudson) that would redirect millions of dollars of state education aid from school districts like Toms River and Brick that are still struggling to recover from Superstorm Sandy.

Holzapfel, Wolfe & McGuckin blasted a back-room deal by New Jersey Democrats that would drive up property taxes in towns like Brick and Toms River by cutting millions in state school aid from their school districts. (SenateNJ.com)

“We have a property tax crisis that is about to explode as a result of this backroom deal negotiated in secret by Democrats who control the New Jersey Legislature,” said Holzapfel. “First, we were devastated by huge ratable losses resulting from Superstorm Sandy, and now we’ll be devastated by massive cuts to our schools thanks to New Jersey Democrats.”

The Sweeney/Prieto plan would slash $3.3 million in state school aid to Toms River, cut $2.1 million to Brick, and reduce Manchester’s aid by $177,000. Other local school districts, including Lakehurst, Seaside Heights, Lavallette and Island Heights would lose funding as well.

Under the Democrats’ proposal, additional cuts would be enacted in each of the next several years to Toms River and Brick.

“Our schools will lose millions of dollars of funding this year, followed by additional cuts next year and more the year after that,” said Wolfe. “As a long-time educator, it’s nauseating to see New Jersey Democrats gutting education funding and hurting our school children.”

McGuckin called the Democrats’ plan a slap in the face to Ocean County property taxpayers who are struggling to recover from Sandy.

“We have a natural disaster that’s being followed up with a political disaster that’s being foisted upon us by the Democratic leaders of the Senate and General Assembly,” McGuckin added. “This is a slap in the face to our hardworking residents and communities still struggling to rebuild. Enough is enough. “

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