Holzapfel, Wolfe & McGuckin: Murphy’s “Jersey Shore Tax” Negatively Impacting Tourism Economy 

Holzapfel, Wolfe & McGuckin: Murphy’s “Jersey Shore Tax” Negatively Impacting Tourism Economy

Extra Tax of Up to 14% Already Hurting Renters

Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Dave Wolfe and Greg McGuckin (all R-10) said Governor Phil Murphy should listen to the concerns of homeowners and small businesses owners along the Jersey Shore who are raising the alarm about the impacts already being felt due to a tax increase the Governor approved last year on short-term beach rentals.

“You shouldn’t have to be a millionaire like Governor Murphy to vacation down the shore,” said Holzapfel. “To charge a family that already stretch to pay thousands for a summer vacation an extra ten to fourteen percent in rental taxes is ridiculous. We’re already hearing that potential customers are responding to the new tax by booking at a much slower pace, which is concerning to the many tourism-driven businesses that make the bulk of their income during the summer months.”

“Going to the Jersey Shore used to be an affordable summer getaway for many in the region, but Murphy’s ‘Shore Tax’ is putting a drivable vacation out of reach for many middle-class families,” Wolfe added. “Murphy’s tax represents a real threat to New Jersey’s $43 billion tourism economy and the mom-and-pop shops that form the backbone of our coastal communities. I shudder to think what impact the hundreds of dollars in extra fees will have on our seaside stores when it costs an arm and a leg before a family even gets to the beach.”

“Now that people are learning the full scope of Murphy’s ‘Jersey Shore Tax,’ they’re angry he hid the truth about who would be impacted,” McGuckin commented. “Beach homeowners, regardless of whether they use a rental service like Airbnb, are finding the tax is hitting them, and they’re losing out on rental activity as a result. It’s clear that potential renters are looking outside of New Jersey for their vacations. The simple fact is that Governor Murphy’s’ beach rental tax has made New Jersey even more unaffordable than it already was.”

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