Holzapfel, Wolfe & McGuckin: Tax Proposals by Bickering Trenton Democrats Growing by the Day 

Holzapfel, Wolfe & McGuckin: Tax Proposals by Bickering Trenton Democrats Growing by the Day

Senator Jim Holzapfel, Assemblyman Dave Wolfe, and Assemblyman Greg McGuckin (all R-Ocean) expressed concern that as Trenton Democrats continue to fight among themselves over the next State budget, more tax increase proposals are entering their discussions by the day.

“The initial debate among Democrats over Governor Murphy’s proposal to raise sales and income taxes grew to include an effort to raise taxes on our employers to the highest levels in the nation,” said Holzapfel (R-Ocean). “Just yesterday, additional new tax increases on home sales and beach rentals entered the Democrats’ budget negotiations. Taxpayers can only hope that bickering Trenton Democrats reach a budget agreement before they have a chance to add even more tax increases into the mix.”

Wolfe said the combination of the school funding plan being advanced by Trenton Democrats and yesterday’s newly proposed tax on beach rentals would represent a huge hit on many coastal communities.

“Democrats first proposed redirecting more than $40 million of school aid from Brick and Toms River, which will devastate the quality of education in our local classrooms and drive massive property tax increases,” said Wolfe. “Now, they’ve followed those devastating school aid cuts with a direct assault on the tourism economy that helps so many of our families pay their bills. Our taxpayers can’t afford to see what comes next if Trenton Democrats allow their in-fighting to continue.”

McGuckin said multi-billion-dollar tax hikes do not need to be part of a balanced budget plan.

“Trenton Democrats keep operating as if the only way to balance the State budget is to raise taxes by billions,” added McGuckin. “They’ve made no effort to reduce unnecessary spending. Instead, Democrats continue to try and balance their billions in new spending on the backs of the residents of the Jersey Shore. That’s just wrong.”

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