House battlefield polling update

House battlefield polling update

Thanks to the fascination with the race for the House, there's been a rash of solid, early and independent polling of key congressional races.

Democrats will need to net a flip of at least 23 seats to take control of the House majority after the November elections. And as you've seen from our battlefield analysis, Democrats have significantly more offensive opportunities than Democrats do.

Here's a round-up of what some of the independent polling from this month shows in the NBC Political Unit's "Top 25" pickup opportunities, as well as results from the "Next 25" for Democrats and the top GOP pickup opportunities.

Just one or two recent data points in each race won't tell the whole story—the margin-of-error in most of these surveys hovers around 5 percentage points and some campaigns have released their own internal polling showing tighter margins.

But the independent polls provide a helpful glimpse at how the race for the majority is shaping up at this point.

Top 25 

In the 13 races polled, Republicans lead in seven districts, Democrats lead in five, and the candidates are tied in one.

Next 25

In the nine races polled, Republicans lead in seven, Democrats lead in one, and NJ-07 has two polls with differing top-lines.

Best GOP pickup opportunities

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