House Passes Congressman Kim’s Bipartisan Bill to Honor Gold Star Families

House Passes Congressman Kim’s Bipartisan Bill to Honor Gold Star Families
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the House of Representatives unanimously passed H.R. 2819, the Gold Star Mothers Families National Monument Extension Act of 2019, a bipartisan bill introduced by Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03) and Congressman John Ratcliffe (TX-04), which extends the authorization for the establishment of a monument in honor of Gold Star families. The extended authorization will allow more time for the families to ensure the monument’s construction and completion.
“Our Gold Star mothers and their families have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms, and it’s a sacrifice we must never forget,” said Congressman Kim. “By passing this bipartisan bill, we can ensure those who gave everything in service to our country will be remembered. I want to thank Judith Young for her incredible advocacy and Congressman Ratcliffe for showing we can work across the aisle to honor those who served.”
“I appreciate the efforts of Congressman Kim and Congressman Ratcliffe to get this bill passed,” said Judith Young, Chairman of the Gold Star Mothers National Monument Foundation, a resident of Moorestown, NJ. “The Foundation now looks forward to the Senate doing their part to help us acknowledge the gold star mothers and their families.”
For over a century, the Gold Star tradition has reminded our nation of the sacrifices made by service members and their families. The tradition goes back to World War I, where flags were displayed bearing a Blue Star representing a family member serving abroad, and a Gold Star for a family member who had been lost in combat.
The monument will be entirely sponsored by the Gold Star Mothers National Monument Foundation and will be built at no cost to the taxpayer. Once completed, it will be located in Washington, D.C.