Hozapfel, McGuckin & Catalano to Murphy: Don’t Cut Property Tax Relief for Seniors

Hozapfel, McGuckin & Catalano to Murphy: Don’t Cut Property Tax Relief for Seniors

Say Reopening New Jersey Faster Will Help Close Budget Shortfall

Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and John Catalano criticized Governor Phil Murphy’s plan to cut New Jersey’s Senior Freeze and Homestead Rebate property tax relief programs instead of reopening New Jersey faster to stop State revenue losses.

“This move by the governor to fill his budget gap on the backs of New Jersey seniors and property taxpayers is short-sighted, especially during a crisis,” said Holzapfel. “New Jersey seniors, many of whom live on fixed incomes, will be disproportionally impacted. There are other options to closing New Jersey’s budget gap that the governor is ignoring to the detriment of New Jerseyans.”

“Earlier this week, we called on the governor to allow restaurants and retail to reopen on Friday, June 12,” said McGuckin. “We believe the best way to eliminate the budget gap is to reopen the economy as soon as possible. As businesses reopen and people back to work, our economy will start humming again and the State will collect increased revenues from the income tax, sales tax, and various business taxes, making cuts to property tax relief programs unnecessary.”

“The arbitrarily chosen June 15 opening date will mean shore businesses will lose out on another summer weekend,” said Catalano. “Every weekend lost for a seasonal business is comparable to a month for other businesses. We are calling on Gov. Murphy to reopen the economy tomorrow and give our seniors a break.”

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