HPAE/AFTNJ Joint Statement On Budget Negotiations

Joint Statement by:
Ann Twomey, HPAE President
Donna Chiera, AFTNJ President
Saturday, June 30, 2018
RE: NJ State Budget Negotiations
Government shutdowns should not become an annual event in New Jersey. As health and educational professionals, we urge the Governor and Legislative Leaders to reach an agreement which supports the services and programs that benefit the lives of our patients, students and working people. We support the compromises made by Governor Murphy and Legislators thus far but more must be done to prevent a Government shutdown that will only hurt the community and those who serve the community every day.
New Jersey needs a fair budget, one that includes a millionaire’s tax on every millionaire, providing a long-term solution that will keep New Jersey viable for years to come. HPAE and AFTNJ urge our Leadership in Trenton to stay at the table and negotiate an agreement that will provide a sustainable and just solution to funding services in New Jersey.