Hudson County Central Labor Council Endorses Jersey City Ward E Candidate Rebecca Symes


Hudson County Central Labor Council Endorses Jersey City Ward E Candidate Rebecca Symes



JERSEY CITY, N.J. -- Today, the campaign of Rebecca Symes for Ward E Council announced it has received the endorsement of the Hudson County Central Labor Council (CLC), a division of the AFL-CIO. Saturday, Symes gathered with over a dozen union members to meet and take photos before a morning get out the vote canvass. “I would like to thank the Central Labor Council for their endorsement, and for offering their guidance on how to best partner with their members to improve the lives of working families, fight for economic justice in our workplaces, and social justice in our City” said Rebecca Symes. “I pledge to support the use of union labor and stand up for the right of workers to make a free choice to form a union and bargain collectively – in an environment free of interference, coercion, harassment, reprisals or delay.” “Rebecca Symes shares our values. She will fight to protect union members’ rights on the Jersey City Council,” said Hudson County CLC President Peter Busacca.


“Rebecca has made a strong commitment to our members to fight for better wages, safer working conditions, and high-quality benefits. And, her vision for a more progressive Jersey City that includes housing working families can afford and good middle-class jobs that pay living wages makes her the best candidate for Ward E Council.” Peter Busacca has been the President of the Hudson County CLC since 2002. He has been a union member since 1973. Headquartered in Jersey City, the Hudson County CLC is one of 11 CLC offices in New Jersey. The CLC is an affiliate of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).


The Hudson County CLC represents Amalgamated Transit Workers Union NJ State Council, Communication Workers of America Local 1037, Health Professionals and Allied Employees, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Local 59, International, Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 164 and 827, International Federation of Professional, Technical Engineers Local 194, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 68, International Association of Machinists NJ State Council, Marine Engineers Beneficial Association D-1, Seafarers International Union of North America, Laborers International Union of North America Local 3, AFSCME District Council 1199J, Plumbers UA Local 24, Pipefitters UA Local 274, and Hudson County Central Labor Council Retirees Chapter.



About Rebecca Symes

Rebecca Symes has been deeply involved in community organizations and causes as a past President of the Harsimus Cove Neighborhood Association, Trustee at the Jersey City Free Public Library, Board Secretary at The Waterfront Project, a free legal clinic, Advisory Trustee at Liberty Science Center and a New Leaders Council Fellow. She holds a Juris Doctorate Degree from the Catholic University of America and a Bachelor's Degree from Ithaca College. After law school, she worked at Housing Conservation Coordinators, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting affordable housing, served as Counsel & Director of Constituent Affairs to U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and later served as General Counsel to Dixon Advisory USA. Symes resigned from her private sector position to devote her full attention to representing Jersey City’s Ward E residents.


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For any additional information please contact Philip Swibinski at 201-978-8651 or




Contact: Philip Swibinski


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