Hudson County Registrar Jeff Dublin Endorses Education Matters in JCBOE Race
The Education Matters Team is proud to announce the endorsement from Hudson County Registrar Jeff Dublin.
Mr. Dublin issued the following statement regarding the endorsement:
“Dejon Morris, George Blount & Alpa Patel are the best team for the future of the Jersey City Public School District. They will bring professionalism & productivity to the Board. These candidates will build bridges & form relationships wherever necessary to bring necessary resources to our school system. They see the importance of forming relationships in the community and will do so to get the job done for our children. All three candidates bring a unique perspective & skill set to the table that will truly benefit the Board , our children & our Jersey City community. I will be working to spread the word to get the Education Matters team elected as I truly feel they have what it takes to move this district forward. On November 7th, vote George Blount 3D, Alpa Patel 4D, Dejon Morris 5D because Education Matters to me & to the whole Jersey City community “
Registrar Dublin has a long, tireless record of public service in the community. He is also a former JCBOE member whose children came up through the school system. This makes this endorsement something our team is most proud of and we will try to emulate the level of service that Registrar Dublin has exhibited when we are elected to the Jersey City Board of Education.
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