Hudson County Young Americans for Liberty Founded

Hudson County Young Americans for Liberty Founded

Hudson County – On Wednesday, August 6, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL), the premier freedom focused organization, announced the opening of the Hudson County chapter. Hudson YAL will be chaired by Joshua Sotomayor Einstein. Einstein, the NJ GOP State Committeeman representing Hudson County, has held a host of other leadership positions in the GOP, been a leader in the Jewish community, and has been published dozens of times on policy issues. Immediate former NJ YAL State Chairman Mathews Castaneda, who recently accepted the position of YAL North East Regional Deputy Director, spearheaded the effort to expand YAL in New Jersey from a campus-based movement to the larger under 40 young adult community.

Einstein stated, “from dialogue groups, responses to op-eds I have received, and attending political events of all types, I have seen that there are right and left, Republican and Democrat, libertarians in Hudson County who want government off their back, out of their wallet, out of their house of worship, and out of their bedroom.” He continued, “this is fertile ground for the non-partisan smaller government organization, Young Americans for Liberty.”

Indeed, in terms of its board appeal Castaneda said “YAL is about liberty and engaging in public outreach to help those who want more freedom in the public sphere regardless of personal political ideology. If two people disagree on an issue, that’s an opportunity for a healthy civil society conversation. If one of those two people get government to take their side, then the dissenting party can see themselves faced punitive action and even persecution by the government.” Castaneda continued, “making dissent illegal should never be tolerated.”

YAL was founded in 2008 as a child of the Ron Paul Revolution. A libertarian movement, YAL is a broad-spectrum non-partisan non-profit focused on spreading the philosophy of personal freedom and educating the public on how big government harms everyone. The movement spans the spectrum from left to right wing, Democrat to Republican, and everything in between, who understand a government powerful enough to provide every socio-political victory they want is big enough to take those victories and their rights away.

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