Hudson County Young Republicans Demand Menendez Apology for Racist Taunts from Menendez Supporters

Hudson County Young Republicans Demand Menendez Apology for Racist Taunts from Menendez Supporters

Jersey City, October 25 – The Hudson County Young Republicans (HCYR) and NJ GOP State Committeman Joshua Sotomayor Einstein are demanding a public apology from Bob Menendez. Last evening, prior to the debate between Bob Hugin and Bob Menendez, video was captured of Menendez supporters repeatedly calling African-American Hugin supporters ‘slave’. The HCYRs and Mr. Einstein believe that this type of divisive rhetoric has no place in our society and are demanding an immediate apology from Menendez addressed to the African-American Hugin supporters who were subjected to this harassment.

“It is disgusting that right before Menendez was in the debate pretending incivility does not exist on his side of the political aisle, his supporters were gathered outside calling African-American supporters of Hugin racist epithets. Menendez owes the Hugin campaign volunteers who were called these disgusting racist terms and all of New Jersey an apology for his hypocrisy and the deplorable actions of his campaign” said Einstein.

Hugin, the clear winner of the debate, took a stand for bi-partisanship and political independence sharply contrasting his history of working with others as a Marine and business leader with Menendez’s tarnished track record of attack politics, failure, and corruption. The contrast was striking both inside and outside of the debate studio. Inside, while Menendez demonstrated his doubling down on divisive and unproductive rhetoric, Hugin articulated his vision of a better country for Americans of every background. Outside the debate, Hugin supporters presented a positive vision for New Jersey untainted by corruption and failure. Meanwhile, Menendez supporters resorted to the worse type of identity politics and continually engaged in offensive and bigoted verbal attacks.

Matthew Garofalo, Co-Chairman of the Hudson County Young Republicans, had this to say in response to the racist taunts from the Menendez campaign he witnessed last evening, “every voter deserves the right to be heard without fear of intimidation or bigotry.  It should come as no surprise that Menendez supporters resorted to this objectionable behavior, they are simply following the lead of our current senator. The only question that remains is how much lower will the Menendez campaign go? New Jersey residents of all races deserve so much better than what we witnessed last evening.”

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