Hugin Campaign: Menendez Hung Out to Dry in Potential Blue Wave?

"This poll confirms that the New Jersey U.S. Senate race is one of the most competitive in the country. Marine veteran and job creator Bob Hugin continues to gain momentum, while corrupt, career politician Bob Menendez remains one of the most unpopular incumbents in the country," saidCampaign Manager Stacy Schuster. "Menendez has been in Washington for 25 years and has nothing to show for it other than a track record of corruption, violating federal law, and selling his office to his convicted felon 'best friend.' That's why a growing number of Democrats are publicly endorsing Bob Hugin. As voters learn more about Menendez's disgraceful record, we're confident remaining undecided voters will support Bob Hugin on Election Day."
According to the Office of the Secretary of State, there are 15 percent more registered Democrats than Republicans in New Jersey. The FDU poll is Democrat +20, making it 5 points too high for Democrats. This overweighting of Democrats is responsible for the modest Menendez lead in this poll ─ a lead that FDU points out is still within the margin of error and therefore a statistical tie.
"Being six points down in a poll that is five points too heavy on Democrats tells us exactly what we knew yesterday ─ the race is a dead heat," said Hugin pollster Adam Geller.
Bob Hugin, a Marine Corps Veteran and business leader who has created thousands of New Jersey jobs, is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Senator Bob Menendez. For more information visit