Hugin Campaign: Menendez's Petty Politics on Display After Dominican Parade Invitation Rescinded

MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ — U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin released the following statement after learning his invitation to participate in the Dominican Parade of Hudson County had been rescinded after Bob Menendez apparently felt uneasy by the mere presence of his opponent:
“A person would have to be really petty to feel threatened by his political opponent being in the same parade, but apparently Bob Menendez is,” said Hugin. “I would never stoop to that level and it's unfortunate that someone who has been in Washington for 25 years — and Hudson County politics for more than 40 years — would be threatened by his opponent participating in a parade. Maybe if Bob Menendez campaigned more in public he would see me more often. I’ve made nearly 400 campaign stops since announcing my candidacy and we would always encourage Bob Menendez to go to any public event, especially an event that celebrates the diversity that makes our state so great. But he’s been hiding from the people of New Jersey because he’s corrupt, ineffective, and scared of facing the people of New Jersey.”
Hugin’s campaign as well as the float company were given confirmation to participate in the parade, but later learned that apparently desperate, career politician Bob Menendez’s campaign had intervened to prevent Hugin and his campaign’s involvement.
“This is another sad example of an out-of-touch career politician who’s afraid of having people in their community informed about Bob Menendez’s disgraceful record,” said Kenneth Gonzalez, Union City resident.
Bob Hugin, a Marine Corps Veteran and business leader who has created thousands of New Jersey jobs, is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Senator Bob Menendez. For more information visit